Monday, February 25, 2013

It's Monday! What are you reading? 2/25/13

Thanks for joining me for another #IMWAYR! 

With my 2 year old's birthday party, a parent night for the big grant project, and major iPad woes at work all added up to reduced reading time :-(

But!  I did finish one book that I promised to last week, continued on my audiobook adventures on bomb-making, and even found some courage to start a truly frightening book.  Here's my reading report:

Books I Finished:

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver.  I gotta say I saw it coming!  (Okay, so maybe I had a hunch, accidentally dropped my book, which happened to land on the last page of the book and my eye naturally caught one word...which is all that it took!)  Can't wait to see how Lena continues to evolve and how the series concludes.  I've read parts of some reviews from ARCS, carefully avoiding spoilers.  But, I know that Oliver really comes into her own in the final installment, Requiem.

Books I'm Reading:

Today, I sat outside while my toddler played with bubbles, trucks, and sidewalk chalk and devoured the first 100 pages of Anna Dressed in Blood.  Now, I'm the girl who has to plug her ears and closer her eyes when a teaser for a horror film that is rated pg-13 comes on during Once Upon a Time.  The cover of Anna alone is enough to give me nightmares.  During bathtime I managed another 15 pages, but it was getting to dark for my scaredy-cat heart to pick it up again later.  I might be such a wuss that I even stowed it in my bag in my car so I don't accidentally glimpse the floating white-dressed girl with inky-black hair.  Other than being scared of a book in broad daylight, I'm really enjoying Cas and his quest.

Books to Read:
Amy over at published a retro review over at Nerdy Book Club introducing me to Falling for Hamlet by Michelle Ray.  My nerdy heart goes bonkers over literary adaptations, and I'm really looking forward to this modern re-telling. 

Now, I'm expecting a HUGE order from my jobber anyday now, which will bring with it many of the 2013 YMA winners and honor books.  Where on earth am I going to begin???  Spring break is two weeks away; I think my TBR pile is about too take on a life of its own in preparation.

What are you reading?

1 comment:

  1. I'll be happy to help you read any of those new books!!

